Richmond Les Mills™ Group Fitness Classes

This week, in more than 13,000 clubs, in 75 countries, millions of people will put aside whatever else is happening in their lives and lose themselves for an hour in the pure exhilaration of one of our eight Les Mills™ group fitness classes. With Les Mills™ you're not just exercising, you're joining in on something bigger than yourself - a revolution. You'll fall in love with fitness as our passionate instructors and inspiring music tracks guide you through a huge variety of workouts that will change your life. You'll sweat, you'll shout, you may even curse us, but you'll leave feeling extraordinary. And tomorrow you're likely to come back and do it all again.



Total body workout to gain strength and lean, toned muscle.



High-Intensity Interval Training using a barbell, weight plates and body weight.



Whether new to lifting or a seasoned pro, LES MILLS STRENGTH DEVELOPMENT will build muscle, improve technique, and grow your confidence so you can train more powerfully in the studio and on the gym floor.



Yoga-based class that incorporates Tai Chi and Pilates.



Innovative cardio, strength and core training.



Functional core training for a stronger body.

Les Mills Virtual

Can’t always make it to your favourite fitness class? Thanks to CLM Richmond and Les Mills Virtual, now you can!

what’s it all about?

Les Mills Virtual fuses the best technology (that’s sounds and lights) with brand leader exercise classes on a big screen. You’ll be immersed into the atmosphere of a live Les Mills class with workouts delivered by some of the world’s hottest instructors.
Virtual classes aren’t here to replace live classes. They’re here to offer more opportunities to attend a class at a time that suits you.

Never done a class?

Les Mills Virtual is the perfect place for newbies to try out a class. It’s a great gateway to live classes if you’re not feeling confident to try a live class yet. Virtual classes are programmed throughout the day so classes will have smaller numbers. This allows you to go at your own pace and learn the moves or steps your way, without any fear of intimidation.


Work shifts? Can never find a class that fits? Got kids and can only workout at a specific time? Are you early riser or a night owl? Les Mills Virtual is the perfect choice to fit exercise classes into your week.

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Virtual RPM

RPM Virtual classes are based in our spin studio with us offering between four to five classes per day, we have lots of options for everyone! Classes have capacity for up to 10 riders, We ask participants to please arrive 5-10minutes prior to the scheduled class start time to secure their bike.



Virtual BODYPUMP is a barbell workout for anyone looking to get lean, toned and fit – fast. Using light to moderate weights with lots of repetition, BODYPUMP is a total body workout that burns up to 540 calories*. With scientifically proven moves and great, pumping music, it’s a fantastic and motivating class for instructors to teach. Results are motivating. And BODYPUMP gets results!
You will leave the class feeling challenged and motivated, part of an inspiring group experience, and ready to come back for more.



Virtual BODYCOMBAT is a high-energy martial arts-inspired workout that is totally non-contact. The instructor will challenge you to up the intensity and motivate you to make the most of every round. You’ll release stress, have a blast, and feel like a champ.


Virtual CORE

Virtual CORE is inspired by elite athletic training principles, LES MILLS CORE ™ is a scientific core workout for incredible core tone and sports performance. You build strength, stability and endurance in the muscles that support your core, improve balance, assist injury prevention, and become better at everything you do.



Virtual BODYBALANCE is delivered by an on-screen Les Mills instructor. The workout is formed around a mix of Yoga, Tai Chi and Pilates that builds flexibility and strength and leaves you feeling centred and calm. Controlled breathing, concentration, and a carefully structured series of stretches, moves and poses to music create a holistic workout that brings the body into a state of harmony and balance.

Check out more of our group fitness classes!

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Fitness Classes Timetable

Please note our timetable will differ on Public Holidays, please check our noticeboard and Facebook page for class schedules.

Join our Fitness Family!

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