
Mixed Netball - Tuesday 7.00pm
Term 2 2025 - 24th of April until 24th of June.
$360.00 prepaid full 9-week term or $40 per team per night pay and play
- Squads of up to 10 rollings subs
- 4 x 7.5 minute quarters or 3 x 10 minute thirds
- Winning shields with team name engraved
- Free gym memberships during school holidays
- 20% discount on full gym memberships
- $1.00 per player entry to courts during school holidays
Registrations now open - Registrations close 8th Oct
Woman's Netball - Thursday 7.00pm
Term 2 2025 - 1th of May - 26th June.
$360.00 prepaid full 9-week term or $40 per team per night pay and play
- Squads of up to 10 rollings subs
- 4 x 7.5 minute quarters or 3 x 10 minute thirds
- Woman's only
- Winning shields with team name engraved
- Free gym memberships during school holidays
- 20% discount on full gym memberships
- $1.00 per player entry to courts during school holidays
Registrations now open - Registrations close 8th Oct
Term 2 Netball Winners
Women’s League - Nina Busing Ninjas
Mixed League- Stop laughing