CLM Health and Safety at Work Policy
CLM is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment ensuring our workers, contractors and visitors remain free from risk to their health and safety at work.
Our Vision
To promote better lives and futures for individuals and communities through physical activity and community engagement.
Our Focus Areas
• Safety Management System
• Critical Risks
• Health and Wellbeing
The objective of this policy is to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable:
• The reduction of potential risk to the health and safety of workers, contractors, programme participants and visitors through identification, elimination or minimisation of hazards based on the work, activities and risks applicable to our business.
• Continuous improvement through the establishment of measurable objectives and targets for reporting, monitoring, evaluating and review of Health and Safety systems.
• Provision of relevant information, training, instruction and supervision to enable all business contributors to effectively perform their duties safely without risk of harm.
• Engagement and consultation with workers, contractors, programme participants and/or their parent/caregiver, where there is an impact to health and safety.
• Maintain assets in good repair, in a clean and safe state.
• Support a safe and early return to work for people, if they are injured or ill, and encourage participation in health and wellbeing programmes.
• Accurate and timely reporting and investigation of incidents to minimise the impact and prevent reoccurrence.
• Comply with all legal and relevant legislation, regulations, codes of practice and industry standards related to occupational health and safety. This includes ensuring premises and grounds used comply with local city and district council requirements.
Underpinning this policy are procedural documents and systems that assist and support everyone to achieve policy objectives.