Pitopito kōrero

He tokotoko kaitiaki, he tokotoko kōrero
On wānanga, especially in the ngahere, you will find Aroora kaimahi carrying tokotoko or rākau with them.

Ngā mauri o Kāhu Kōrako
The Kāhu Kōrako kaupapa came to life in late 2019, and in its very first year two mauri stones were gifted to the kaupapa by renowned carver Timoti Moran of Te Tau Ihu

Whakaaro | The 6 Realms
Whakaaro is a model inspired by Edward De Bono's 6 thinking hats.

Kāhu Kōrako has kicked off again for 2024
CLM’s successful Māori leadership programme Kāhu Kōrako has kicked off again for 2024.

Innovative CLM Programmes recognised at the 2023 Aquatics Awards
CLM was awarded two Merit Awards - Dive into Success Internship Programme and He tāhuna tau atu.

Papa hōrua 2023.
Aroora is a hauora kaupapa that sits within CLMs mission statement 'ka āwhina mai, ka āwhina atu, ngā mahi a te rēhia'. As such, we are passionate about traditional recreational practices that invigorate hauora and create a deeper relationship to our cultural identity and customs.

Kāhu Kōrako wānanga 2023
The second wānanga of the Aroora Māori Leadership Program's Te Rōpū Kāhu Kōrako Tuatoru (Kāhu Kōrako – Group 3) was held over three days in the breath-taking Rangitīkei region of New Zealand's central North Island at the River Valley Lodge.

Āe mārika, Tēnei Tōku Whare 2022!
CLM’s Aroora team has just completed another successful year delivering the Tēnei Tōku Whare kaupapa, supported by Te Puni Kōkiri.

The whare just got bigger - 2022
After a successful launch in 2021 the rangatahi hauora programme ‘Tēnei Tōku Whare’, supported by Te Puni Kōkiri and delivered and framed around CLM's Aroora kaupapa, has seen a significant boost.

Te Kai o Rongo - Plant based kai
Colonisation in Aotearoa has greatly impacted not only the indigenous people of this land, but also the indigenous fauna and flora that call this place home.

Te kai o ngā rangatira
The Aroora crew took out the Whangārei Aquatic Centre management team for a day.

Aroora is a kaupapa founded on supporting health and well being, that is why the team were so excited to get the nod from parent company CLM to invest in a Defibrillator.

Aroora Rangatahi programmes 2021
For the last 5 months the Aroora team has been working closely with local kura, Kamo High School, running two rangatahi programmes for their students.

Kāhu Kōrako - Wānanga Tuatahi
The programme, in its second year, is based on the Aroora framework and is designed to support the leadership aspirations and development of CLM employees

Te Hukātai o kāhu kōrako
‘Te Hukātai o kāhu kōrako’ is a ‘hoe urunga’ or steering paddle, gifted to Community Leisure Management by the 2020 Kāhu Kōrako rōpū.

Te Ika-whenua-o-te-rangi
A beautifully carved mere pounamu, named 'Te Ika-whenua-o-te-rangi' has been gifted to Aroora team by the renowned carver Timoti Moran.

Aroora Māori leadership programme Kāhu Kōrako, run under the kaupapa Aroora and supported by Te Puni Kōkiri, kicked off again in early February.

Here’s to our Papa!
The Aroora kaupapa continues to explore new ways (or old, depending on your reference) of engaging with Atua Māori and te taiao in the pursuit of strengthening and sustaining oranga.

Mahi kaipara
As part of the ‘Tēnei Tōku Whare’ kaupapa, rangatahi have been exploring mahi kaipara, or traditional Māori Athletic activities and games, this year.