Ko te amorangi ki mua, ko te hāpai ō ki muri, heoi anō nei rā te mihi kauanuanu ki a koe me tō tira, koutou i whakahaere tēnei kaupapa whakahirahira, ko koutou tēna ‘te hāpai ō’. E mihi anō tō kaimahi me ngā pukenga katoa kua tukuna ki tō mātou kōhine. E mihi ana, e mihi ana, e mihi ana.
Tēna koe Scott,
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you and your staff for delivering a programme that not only grew our students physically but encompassed all aspects of ‘Te Whare Tapawha’, gaining confidence and building resilience is what I saw over this year during the programme. Our kōhine enjoyed every wānanga that they attended which was evident by their full attendance.
The knowledge that you and Jamille shared over the year was valuable and appreciated, and our students were able to incorporate their learnings into their kura mahi. Learning about Te Whare Tapu o Ngapuhi is a kaupapa that should be entrenched in all school curriculum. It was great to listen to the pūkōrero of Whangārei Te Terenga Parāoa and our connections to iwi outside of Te Taitokerau.
Our kōhine are always talking about their days out with you and your staff and their learnings, not to mention the healthy choices of kai that were shared during their wānanga. The programme has had a positive and meaningful impact on them that they will treasure I'm sure for a long time.
I am already getting enquiries from staff and students about next year's programme and hope that we are considered as a participating school for 2023.
Nō reira e te rangatira, e kore ngā kupu tū atu, me mihi ka tika ki te runga rawa, ngā mate hohua o te wā, haere. E hangai ana koutou ki tō mātou nei kaupapa o te kura nei ‘Whakamana ngā wāhine o āpōpō’ nā koutou anō i whakamana ēnei tauira hei hāpai i ngā wairua, hinengaro, tinana, whānau hoki. Mauri ora, nā
Ralph Ruka
Tumuaki tuarua (Deputy Principal)
Ngā Kōhine O Te Kura Tuarua o Whangārei Te Terenga Parāoa/Whangārei Girls High School